Dec 28, 2006

Carol Merrill Necklace - SOLD!

OK, Carol Merrill of The Price is Right fame (or was it Let's Make a Deal?) did not get to take this necklace home, but my friend Carol did--and that rhymes with Merrill so...there we have it-- the Carol Merrill Necklace!
As I was creating jewelry for a trunk show last summer at "Unique Freaque"--the artist's boutique where I have my jewels on consignment --I took a break to enjoy myself at a cookout in the backyard of my friends Randy & Carol. I toted my newly created designs, and little did I know that Carol really liked this necklace. It wasn't until she and Randy walked in to the Unique Freaque and purchased it the day of my show that it hit me. What a thrill! Carol liked it so much she wore it home, and called me later in the week excited that it looked even better than she thought after she paired it with something else from her wardrobe.
It's delightful to run into Randy & Carol in the summer and see her wearing the oppposed to Randy :)) For me that's one of the best rewards, seeing others enjoy wearing my creations. It's their investment in their heart's delight-- and what better jewelry-prize to find behind door #1, 2 or 3 for my friend Carol...than the Carol Merril Necklace!
An invitation to view handcrafted art from around the globe, Unique Freaque: -- Please tell Kay, the owner...and my friend...that I sent you!

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